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What is Cara, the Instagram alternative that gained 600k users in a week?

What is cara app

Cara is an artist-focused social platform that has gained significant attention recently. Unlike Instagram, which uses public posts to train its AI systems, Cara is designed specifically for artists who want to share their work without the risk of becoming part of an AI training dataset.

Within just one week, Cara went from 40,000 users to a staggering 650,000 users, making it a top app on the charts. On Cara, artists can create a portfolio of their work and post updates to their feed. It combines elements of Instagram and other microblogging platforms.

Cara positions itself as an anti-AI alternative. Artists have grown frustrated with Meta’s (formerly Facebook) use of their public posts for AI training, especially since only European users can opt out due to GDPR laws.

What is the Cara app?

Cara is a social media and portfolio platform for artists, art enthusiasts, and fans. It allows you to connect with peers and followers, share your work, and find industry jobs from AAA and award-winning studios. It focuses on protecting artists from AI data mining by using “NoAI” tags and tools like Glaze, which alters artworks to prevent AI from replicating them. The platform fosters a supportive, artist-centric community and offers a user-friendly interface with features similar to Instagram and Twitter.

Key Features of Cara

Here are some key feature of Cara:

1. AI Protection

  • NoAI Tags: All posts on Cara are automatically tagged with “NoAI” to discourage AI models from scraping and using the content without permission​.
  • Glaze Tool: Developed by the University of Chicago, Glaze subtly alters artwork in a way that confuses AI models, preventing them from accurately replicating an artist’s style.

2. Supportive Community

  • Artist-Centric Environment: Cara is designed to be a safe and supportive space for artists, encouraging positive interactions and collaboration among users​.
  • Moderation of AI Content: The app uses third-party services to detect and moderate AI-generated content, ensuring the platform remains focused on human creativity.

3. User-Friendly Interface

  • Portfolio Section: Allows artists to showcase their work in a gallery-like format, similar to Instagram profiles​.
  • Timeline Section: Provides a social feed reminiscent of Twitter, enabling users to interact and engage with each other’s posts in a streamlined manner.

4. Crowdsourced Development

  • Community Support: Cara is developed by a small, volunteer-driven team, and users can support its development through donations and other means​​.

Benefits of using Cara

Cara Bookmark Album

Using Cara, an Instagram alternative, offers various benefits that cater to users, creators, and the platform’s overall ecosystem. Here are the key benefits:

For Users

  1. Enhanced Privacy: Cara prioritizes user privacy, offering stronger data protection measures and more control over personal information compared to mainstream social media platforms.
  2. Ad-Free Experience: Many users appreciate an ad-free environment where they can enjoy content without interruptions from targeted advertisements.
  3. Customized Feed: Users have more control over their feed, curating what they see based on their interests rather than algorithm-driven suggestions.
Cara Customized Feed
  1. Trust and Loyalty: By prioritizing privacy, authenticity, and community, Cara can cultivate a loyal user base that trusts the platform.
  2. Sustainable Growth: Ethical practices and user-centric features can lead to sustainable growth and a strong market position.
  3. Positive Social Impact: Fostering genuine connections and reducing misinformation can have a positive impact on society as a whole.

The negative points of Cara

  • Centralized Data Management: The database of data with your followers, artwork, posts, likes and all belong to a single installation, the main Cara.app. You can’t export your data. You are a prisoner of the Cara ecosystem.
  • Conditional no to AI: All posts on Cara are automatically tagged with “NoAI” to discourage AI models from scraping and using the content without permission​, but this is conditional.
  • Google Analytics integration: Cara app shares all data to Google like who visits their site, for how long, with which browser, from which country, what they look at, what they post etc. this can b a shortfall of privacy. : in short, all of your behavior.
  • Slow and Sluggish: Obviously it has gained Cara went from 40,000 users to a staggering 650,000 users within a week, still the system is slow what can be in future no one knows.

Cara Vs Instagram

Let’s see some comparison between Cara and Instagram:


  • Cara: An artist-focused social platform that emphasizes visual art. It’s not primarily for social networking.
  • Instagram: A widely used social media platform where users share photos, videos, and connect with others.


  • Cara: Provides a space for artists to showcase their work without contributing to AI training data.
  • Instagram: A general platform for sharing personal moments, lifestyle, and various content.


  • Cara:
    • Allows artists to create portfolios and post updates.
    • Protects artists’ images from being used for AI training.
    • Has a job tab for artists and companies to connect.
  • Instagram:
    • Offers a broader range of content (not limited to art).
    • Uses AI for recommendations, content curation, and ads.

User Base:

  • Cara: Gained over 600,000 users in just one week, particularly supported by digital artists and tattooers.
  • Instagram: Massive user base worldwide.

Frequently Asked Questions about Cara (FAQs)

Does the Cara app use AI?

Cara, the artist-focused social platform, does not use AI for training or curation purposes. Unlike Instagram, which leverages AI algorithms for content recommendations and ads. Cara prioritizes artists’ privacy and integrity by avoiding AI-based data collection from public posts. It provides a space where artists can share their work without contributing to AI training datasets.

How many users does Cara have?

Cara, the artist-focused social platform, has experienced remarkable growth. Within just one week, it surged from 40,000 to a staggering 650,000 users, catapulting it to the top of the App Store charts. Between May 31, 2024, and June 2, 2024,  Cara’s user base tripled from less than 100,000 to over 300,000 profiles. Within just one week, Cara went from 40,000 users to a staggering 650,000 users

What is Cara social media?

Yes, Cara is a social networking app designed for creatives. It allows users to post images of their artwork, memes, or text-based musings. Similar to platforms like Twitter and Instagram, Cara provides a space where artists can connect, share their work, and find industry jobs. You can access Cara through its mobile app or via a browser, and both options are free to use.

Is it OK to delete Instagram app?

Certainly! Deleting the Instagram app is a personal choice, and it’s perfectly okay to do so. If you find that it no longer serves your needs or if you want to reduce screen time, go ahead and uninstall it. Remember that you can always reinstall it later if you change your mind.

Are deleting Instagram’s new app Cara?

Cara, the artist-focused social platform, is not an Instagram app. It’s a separate platform designed specifically for artists. Within just one week, Cara grew from 40,000 to a remarkable 650,000 users, making it a top app on the charts. Unlike Instagram, which uses public posts for AI training, Cara prioritizes artists’ privacy and integrity by avoiding AI-based data collection from their work. So, if you’re an artist looking for a space to share your creations without contributing to AI datasets, Cara might be a refreshing alternative! 

Where do Cara come from?

Cara, the image sharing platform, was founded by Zhang Jingna. It opened for public testing on January 2, 2023, and was created as a portfolio sharing and social networking site specifically for artists and creatives. Cara is available both as an app and a website, and it is run by Zhang and a group of volunteers.

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